Cake n Tea or Pie and a Pint?

Last month not only was I lucky enough to have my fabric baskets featured on the FRONT PAGE of Making Magazine, but I had the chance to be their Q&A feature!

Its very hard to answer questions that sometimes you never think of ever being asked, yet its an excellent way of really looking at yourself and discovering what makes you.

We live in such busy hectic times whether its work, home life, family or world news and sometimes we just need to step back and question, who am I?

I have discovered that my family have shaped my life, my parents have brought me up, teaching me, guiding me, showing me and loving me into the person I have become. To appreciate my surroundings, to utilize my situations and love and care for every day, moment and second I have and to give, share and help shape a better future.
The last question '' Tea & Cake or Pie & a Pint?'' asked of me made me giggle, so many people I know were surprised by my answer yet to me it was obvious. What would your choice have been?
So I would also like to thank the team at Making, to whom have given me this chance to evaluate my life and have made it a fun one too! Get someone to ask you a heap of questions, you maybe surprised by your answers!
Now I know we are not really meant to mention ......Christmas, but I have put it off too long but I can, no longer!

I will be exhibiting my work again at this gorgeous Christmas Open House. Its a really beautiful house filled to the brim with work by talented artists and makers. We will be open for you to either just browse and have a free glass of mulled wine or buy those perfect handmade gifts for Christmas presents. So pop in and say hello!
I hope that the article will earn you lots of new fans! I'm sure it will!
I think I'd choose tea and a cake MOST days.