Busy WIP Morning!

I am really enjoying my Friday mornings. Both boys are at school & nursery and the house is mine! I started of rather slow this morning but I do have a really good excuse.... my copy of Country Living was delivered and I had treated myself to a really tasty chocolate coissant. What else should a girl do when those are placed in front of her! Oh how I dream of the countryside, a smallholding!
This is my favourite time of year - crispy leaves, wood smelling yummy and damp (I know its sounds strange!) butternut squash, berries, walks! mmmmmmmmm!

Anyway - I am determined to become greener over the next few weeks and one good idea I have come up with and used befor is to recycle a lot more of my fabrics. Scraps!
I have so many bags full of really small somewhat useless scraps, so from now on everytime I get a bag full, I have to sew as many together to make up panels. Some scarps are so small that they seem hardly worth using, but when put together they become very exotic!
Well we are off to a wood fair this weekend which feeds my enthusiasm to get to that dream!
Have a good weekend!
