Well where do I start, apart frm my wisdom teeth which is STILL hurting it has been an exciting and busy week. The painting above is one of my good friend
Philipa Stanton. I mentioned a while back
here about her amazing ability to see colours when she hears voices. So on Monday night I went to her private view exhibition called
Persona. I strongly recommend you going to see it. Its an exhibition that she has collabotated with the photographer
Cambridge Jones where Philipa has painted the voices of various famous people and Cambridge has photographed them. It is held at the Theatre Royal in Brighton, so a perfect setting for beautiful work. Go and see it while the
Brighton Festival is on, go on......!
So as I mentioned I am doing an open house for the festival again, and I need to sew sew sew. My sewing machine broke a needle yesterday just as I was in full flow - How dare it!!!!!!
The pic a bove is of my boys in Perth, we had a day there as we flew out very early the next morning. Amazing place. And below are my very proud parents with there little grand daughter. They arrived back this week and I know they are going to so miss little Rose. Tear, tear :(
Kim x
MMM, I wonder what my VOICE would LOOK like! It amazes me what Phillipa does. UNIQUE!
Hope your wisdom teeth stop giving you so much pain. Bonjela does the trick for Murray! I've just got my final wisdom tooth coming in so I'll share your pain (although its not too bad at the mo!)
Lots of Love
Charlotte xxx