Just before Christmas we woke to this lovely scene...

Snow glorious snow!

The skies were like oil paintings from the past......

Everything coated ......

Jam Jam loving being a wild snow cat!

A trip to the park to have some fun......

The trees and shrubs looking like icing on a cake!

After being snowbound in a city we escaped to
Glouscestershire for Christmas and returned to spend a glorious New Years Day out on the Downs with great friends.

The walk was breathtaking and the light was stunning.......

Can you see the glider above the hill!

Such a beautiful walk.......

Cold but out of this world!
Then we woke on Tuesday morning to yet MORE snow!
Can you guess what this picture below is?

An igloo!

We have SO much snow it took me back to the early 80's when my brothers and sisters and I built an Igloo because of so much snow!

Its so lovely to see the children out in the street playing snowball fights....

Once again we are snowbound, so quiet, no cars NO school!


BLUE BLUE skies!

Even the
chimney's look beautiful!

I took so many photo's, I want it to last..........

...But my favourite is my son in his
Happy New Year. Yes I too remeber the 80's snow and how we sledged day and night, so exhausting but magical times.....
Were you on Firle beacon on your walk?
Sarah x
Jak x
Thanks for the reminder
Don't have a car, but have to get out of London SOON.