A beautiful bounty!
Where does the time go?
It goes on growing this beautiful bunch of flowers!
Nature is so wonderful. I can't stop looking at all the shapes, colours, patterns and formations of all these flowers.
I had completely forgotten which Dahlias I had planted so you can imagine my surprise at the pink explosion of this one! Its like a firework!
I have been growing flowers at my allotment ever since we did for our wedding. It brings back such happy memories.
Now, courgettes! I love em! I love growing them and we do love eating them but for some reason I decided to grow quite a few! Mmmm, good idea?
Lets just say its amazing what you can come up with when you have a glut!
It sounds weird but it is SCRUMPTIOUS! So much so that we are on our second cake!

As its a time of harvesting look what my lovely neighbour left in a bag for me outside my door!
I sorted it all into lovely bundles ready to hang and dry.
As its a time of harvesting look what my lovely neighbour left in a bag for me outside my door!
I sorted it all into lovely bundles ready to hang and dry.
Anyway, I will endeavor to write a new post very soon. Lots of very exciting new things are happening at the mo (another reason for the lack of posts), thanks for popping by! x
Bertie x
My garden is sadly neglected at the moment but your are doing well!
your cake sounds good is it one of your 5 a day ?
Cate x
Cathy X
And guess what cake I am planning to make this afternoon. Chocolate and beetroot cake!! If it's any good I'll be posting about it!
Oh and pass the chocolate cake, Mmmmm Kxxx