Project Wild Thing - a great film for the young explorer

When the boys were quite young it was very easy to get out in to the wild, mess about with water, mud and trees. As they have grown so has our pile of electrical devices that are supposed to amuse, bemuse and help our children!
We are quite strict with the use and purchase of such and things and we wouldnt ban items (unless of course it is effecting their behaviour!)  but it is very difficult not to expose them to the new must have item when they are surrounded by it in everyday life whether at school, advertisements on television and radio or even walking down the street.

As a family we try to go out for walks in all weathers, sometimes with great success, others in tears but they are experiences that are added to what hopefully are lifetime memories for my boys.

So when I came across the Project Wild Thing via of all things Twitter, I just feel like i should share. With the help of the National Trust, RSPB, Play England, Woodland Trusts and many more  likeminded people they have created a film that will make you think about how we are bringing up our children in this technological world, what we are exposing them to and more importantly what we are stopping them from doing!

I urge you to watch this trailer of the film, book a ticket at one of the many screenings and then plan a day or even an hour out in the countryside this weekend, come rain or shine and fill their hearts and minds with fun, smells, mud and joy!

The website is full of fun ideas of ways to enjoy the 'outside' with or without your children. It just takes a few steps to have some Wildtime  ......

 "If you want nature, wildness and free-range living for kids and adults to exist alongside an increasingly industrialised and technological society then join us and get involved in making that happen." 


Jo said…
We are an outside kind of family and I feel really lucky to have that. I wonder what they will be like as they get older. Your adventures look fun. Jo x
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the tip about Project Wildthing. We are going to book tickets! Even though we go out for a muddy ramble every weekend I think it is vital to remind ourselves why it is important and why we should keep on doing it as our kids get older. Thanks again!


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