Kirstie Allsopp Handmade Christmas - needle felting stars!

Where do I begin..... Kirstie's Handmade Christmas!!!!

Possibly one of the most amazing days in my life happened back in October.
Along with a few chosen 'Finest crafters in Britain' we spent a day and evening filming for the Channel 4 programme, a dream in any creative crafting persons world!

We had to be secret squirrels for 2 whole months, I couldn't tell a soul about going to her house, spending time with her (and she really is a passionate crafter who appreciates all we do, the work and effort that goes into handmade items), meeting the fabulous up-cycling expert Jay Blades who was our judge.

For those who didn't see it, I was one of the makers for the tableau competition and made a whole woodland scene with needle felted animal, toadstools and christmas trees.

I met some amazing people including my fellow contestants, Nick Sweetman (Lego man!) Linda Rees (willow weaver) and the winner Lisa Dussek the amazing balloon lady!

Nick and I awaiting the final decision!  Photo by Simon Sweetman

 I had so much fun in between the stress and it has given me the opportunity to really look at what and how I do things, to go for challenges in life and embrace something new!

You can catch up on the series and all the makes by going to Kirstie's Handmade Christmas website!


Minifignick said…
Great Work Emma It was a great day and one I'll always remember
Tracy Welham said…
I caught up with the first two episodes last night. I fell in love with your felting, I'm new to this craft and it was incredible to something so detailed. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

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