A time to heal ....

It has been a very hard summer, one that is hard to write about. 
My dear mother died after a short but very brave and graceful battle to pancreatic cancer. As a family (and we are a big one) we came together to go through the hard reality of loosing another parent. We spent time grieving in our own way as well as spending quality time side by side,  healing our broken hearts.
Time will heal but for now noticing the beauty in life and carrying on seems to be the best path to take....


Oh I’m so sorry. My own lovely Mum died three years ago also from Pancreatic Cancer. Like your Mum, a short but brave and dignified end to her life. I was lucky to be able to nurse her. Time does heal, so many emotions and thoughts. She is never far from me, always in my mind and heart every day. But that raw pain does ease believe me. Take care, Jane x

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