Its War!

Every evening befor we go to bed we discover them slithering in to the kitchen, worktops and now the dinning room! They come up through the floorboards and I can't stand it ANY more. I have tried allsorts, but now its war - my father inlaw is coming round with tubes of sealant and we are going to fill the floorboards! Ha!........... I will let you know the outcome!
Anyway, we had a very busy week (I am preparing for a stall at my sons school fair!) and at the weekend we went to JPs cousins wedding. It was so sweet and simple, they looked stunning and very happy.
As a gift, I made the cushion above, a bit like my friend friendship cushion here. I hope they liked it, it was nice to put their initals and the date on, even if my sewing machine decided to be akward!
They had this gorgeous traditional wedding cake and surrounded it with these little lovelies! Perfect for popping in ones mouth whole!!!!!
Anyway, time to get sewing.
Oh if you get to go to Hove Museum, you must see this exhibition - Paper Cuts, very beautiful!
Kim x
in a rented flat years ago, one of our cats used to bring in slugs and earth worms from the garden - the slugs used to stand around looking ugly and the worms used to burrow in to our carpets!!!!!!
go - go - go with the sealant
and keep your windows closed.......
tracy x
I love the beautiful cushion and am sure that it will be treasured.
The cushion is lovely, and those cakes look delicious (although we are a little 'caked out' after the birthday week!).
Victoria x
And I've just been out to plant up some chicory a friend gave me and the b***ers have stripped that! And when I lifted up thetray that the seedlings were in, the snails were clinging onto the back of it. Lazy little so and sos! At least they haven't started on the tomatoes (yet) or we'll have nothing left.