Winnings and Autumn pickings!

As you are all aware Autumn is here and possibly the best time of year.
So out come the plastic boxes and hunting for blackberries is the game. Our eldest went on his first ever Beaver camp a weekend ago, so the little one came with us for a lovely walk.......
Look at this little cottage, it is attached to the church and the lady who lived in it was so sweet.
We found a secret stash of blackberries........ someone found it quite difficult to keep them in the box, they just kept popping in the mouth!
We have done so much over the weeks, now that both boys are at school I must knuckle down and work. But where does the time go, how did I fit it all in before?
Anyway, here are a few pics of what Autumn is turning out to be.......lovely!
Margaret and Noreen
I have just tagged you - You're it! if you would like to play visit my blog and you will see the post:)
mad-boo x