Art Enrichment for students
Last week I was asked to run an Art Enrichment workshop for Varndean College students.
It felt like going back in time as I was fortunate to study my A levels at this very same college many..... many years ago, so it was an honour to be asked.
So what do you teach a group of students who might not necessarily be studying art or anything creative for that matter and with only an hour and a half to do so!
Luckily having spent a few years teaching needle felting I came up with the challenge of 2d felting on small colourful squares.
Before hand I gave them a quick tutorial showing various techniques that can be used in all types of needle felting which they went on to create some brilliant patterns and designs!
Its such a diverse craft, the beauty of needle felting like any art lets the character of the maker shine through in the piece they create!
I certainly enjoyed the process and I know that the students found it inspirational which is comforting to know seeing as by son will be joining them in September!
Thank you Varndean College!